
Govt's Aadhaar-Linked Database of 9 Crore Students Stored in Insecure DISE Server

Beware! Your Aadhaar Data is Just a Google Search Away From Being Accessed by Anyone

National ID systems such as Aadhaar have been called out in the past past privacy experts and human rights groups as tools of surveillance and being used for profiling citizens on the ground of religion and caste. This is ironic every bit Aadhaar was created as a ways of eliminating such discrimination which is inherent in the Indian system. Merely instead of being used for the intended purposes, Aadhaar databases have become a fount of new privacy headaches, thanks to data beingness submitted unwittingly past citizens.

Anivar Aravind, an Indian developer and executive director at a social analytics firm, has pulled our attention towards the hoarding of the Aadhaar data of as many every bit 9 crore (ninety 1000000) school students. This database is hosted on an archaic looking government website which belongs to U-DISE (Unified District Information Organization for Didactics) which has a database of 21 crore students across India.

Despite the electric current uncertainty about the legal condition of Aadhaar, governments have instructed state-level schools to update the Aadhaar of each and every pupil. The pressure, in turn, comes onto the students and consequently, parents, who have to succumb to the orders of the school government among the fear that non-compliance might touch their children'due south pedagogy.

Just from the looks of it, the website appears to be an piece of cake chicken dinner for unethical actors. The fact that its server concur information of 9 crore children makes it a ticking flop that could lead to another privacy disaster – something which systems belongings Aadhaar data have been known to cause .

Govt's Aadhaar-Linked Database of 9 Crore Students Stored in Insecure DISE Server

This system is managed by National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) which is backed by the HRD Ministry. The purpose of the database is to track the functioning of children and offer them scholarships, and so it also has details about family income and demographic details, which is highly valuable data whatever which way you look at it.


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